Monday 11 May 2015

Opening Ceremony and Party_Monday, May 11

All students wrote a placement test and had an interview in the morning and the Opening Ceremony was followed.

This is Sasaki-sensei, a coordinator of this course.  She used Japanese.

This is a police officer.  He spoke very fast and fluent (of course!) Japanese. 
I hope that students picked up some words - Chikan (a sexual offender), Yopparai(a drunk person), or Keisatu (police) etc.  

Here is our another group photo.

The following parties were not so bad, I suppose.  
Many CAs(Campus Advisors) came to greet students. 
Opening ceremony on campus:

Tea Party at the dorm:

After the tea party, many of them went to the third party.  Today was a "Party Day".

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